Saturday, May 25, 2013

CMS librarian interview

This is an interview conducted via e-mail with Leslie Partridge, assistant director at Lee County Public Library on May 21, 2013. She is in charge of updating the website for the four libraries in the system, although a few others have the ability to edit information as well. The library website is:

For class I had to make a website. We used a CMS (Content Management System), which is the same one you use for the library website. Have you ever heard it called CMS? Do you know the name of the program? 
I don't think I have. Joomla is the software. Is that what you mean?
Do you know why that particular one was chosen for the library, who chose it, how it all came about and when? 
Can't remember the exact year we started, but we've been with Clayton* for several years now. We can log in and see how far the earliest articles go back or Claire** can look up the exact date. Claire and I chose this one over some other companies because we are able to make changes ourselves and Clayton was very available and came to us several times in the beginning to help.
How'd you come to be responsible for the website?
We didn't really have anyone else and since I communicated with Clayton from the beginning, I just was the one who did it. 
Is this better/easier than whatever was in place before? Are there certain advantages?
It is much better than what we had because we can edit our own content quickly and we don't have to wait for the webmaster to do it or pay them for each change. 
Was it difficult to learn, and is there anything you really don't like about it? 
It was a lot to learn at first but not necessarily difficult. I don't dislike it, I just wish I knew how to make it look more professional. 
*Clayton is the webmaster whose company is responsible for maintaining the website. The CMS used by the library is Joomla. He set up the system and website for the library. 

**Claire Leavy is the Lee County Library director. She contacts Leslie when she wants changes made to the website.

Through follow-up questions in person I learned that the only thing library employees do to edit information is edit preexisting articles. Leslie has the ability to create, publish, and un-publish articles. Anything more advanced, such as creating links, changing the logo, or editing tab names, is e-mailed to Clayton for editing.

Through this interview I learned that the library was looking for an outside agency to handle the website. The library system has one IT person whose time is already full with other, mostly hardware, issues. The library avoided the frustrating experience I had using Joomla by hiring a professional to do the more tricky aspects of web design, but they are left with an interface they can edit as they wish. They also have the ability to call on a professional for outside help.

By taking this class I have been added to the small list of people with the ability to create and publish articles. My Joomla experience was truly a blessing in disguise.

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