I spent a lot of extra time doing homework last week because my car's been in the shop. There's a lot of free time when you're waiting for rides, but I'm going places again! My five-speed came home as a four-speed. I didn't know that could happen.
An another note, I just got a response from the librarian who handles the website. When I started the program I never would have dreamed a group of people (librarians) would be so willing to help me out. From private archives to public libraries, directors to ITs, in person or by IM chat; librarians are just so helpful! Excited to be one of them one day.
Kathryn, I am also amazed at how helpful librarians are to us students. I guess it is part of the creed. I think I remember something about it from the foundations class. Like you, I very much look forward to joining the team.