Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thinking outside the library

After discussing libraries' use of social media for a week, I've been reflecting on my own library. We use social media to connect with patrons. What this looks like on a daily basis is library promotion. What it should look like is an ongoing dialogue between library and users. Instead of being so self involved, we need to be user centered. What do users want? What makes patrons comfortable? It's true that many moms like to hear about the craft this week, but others may rather know what's on the New York Times bestsellers list, when the closed road is scheduled to reopen, or why the flags around town are at half mast.

It's easy to throw something on Facebook/Twitter when we have an event coming up. It's more difficult to remember to think outside the library and into the community. As far as building relationships goes, this will make a difference.


  1. You make a great point of how libraries should not forget to meet patrons needs through services on social networking sites. Having an online presence should not be driven by promotion of the library itself only. The purpose should focus on users needs and services. Very good point!!!

  2. Back to the Web 2.0 definition of interactive communication. There is a fine line to figure out what works for your community. (I had to unsubscribe to my bosses texts because he had gone trigger happy with way more texts than needed.)
